Tantric Massage

More Than Just Erotic Touching and Feeling

The word Tantra in Ancient Sanskrit means weaving and expansion, which is a method of assimilating a person’s physical and spiritual aspects. Tantra means to expand one’s energy, making a person self-aware and in tuned with themselves – body, mind and soul. It’s regarded as an awakening on every single level.

Tantra, which was found in India, is an early spiritual way of life that rejoices and attempts to bring together – as one – the body, heart, mind and soul. There are many aspects in the Tantric tradition that see lovemaking and sexuality as the key to a powerful union with a partner.  The western world – London, United States and Canada – has become increasingly interested in Tantra thanks to celebrity testimonials from Woody Harrelson and Sting. However, Tantra’s deliberate refinement and utilization of sexual energy for creativity, enhanced pleasure, healing and spiritual growth is another reason for its increased popularity.

What’s The Modern Look At Tantra

tantra London

tantra goddess London

Today’s look of Tantra is for the people who want it all; it is the preferred sexual education of choice. People who use today’s Tantra are looking for a healthy, zealous sex life, as well as a spiritual and body awakening. They are looking to feel comfortable in their own skin.

With the modern-day aspect of Tantra, they will experience a new level of sexuality that involves spiritual awareness and understanding of their partner’s cravings and state of mind.  This includes an array of aspects including but not limited to:

  • Cognizant breathing
  • Erotic play
  • Erotic massage
  • Meditation
  • Sound
  • Visualization
  • Other traditional practices

Some of the enjoyment Tantra massage London students have is the ability to continue learning while practicing because spiritual/energetic growth never stops. Simultaneously, it’s a practice that continues giving instant results – a noticeable difference in a relationship both in an erotic and non-erotic way.  Now, you’ll learn about the Tantra principles, and be provided with both an erotic atmosphere and a Tantric massage in London. When it comes to lovemaking, well, that’s between you and your significant other.

The London Tantric massage will put you into a state of trance – physical boundaries melt away, time dissipates and those worries you had no longer seem relevant.

Ancient Indian incense helps the body become aware and relaxed. The Tantric music allows the mind to focus the energy internally. Nothing will get by your mind. With the increase in sensitivity, the body will experience an increase in energy flow and you’ll feel your senses awaken.

Based upon the ideals of Tantra, the whole body is massaged using authentic, aromatic Tantric oil, especially in the very sensitive areas of the body.  The London therapist who does the Tantric massage can apply the “Lingam and Yoni” technique so long as the client feels comfortable. After all, the perceptions of erotic feelings are found here and are the significant sources of happiness for one’s life.

While getting the massage, you’ll feel relaxed but awake. You’ll be taught how to properly breathe, especially as you fall into a deeper state of relaxation. During this massage, your therapist or significant other ensures you are lovingly pampered and feel at ease.


A Look At Tantra and Its Helpfulness In Sexual Healing

It’s important to understand that Tantric massage has proven itself to health all kinds of abuse – emotional, physical and sexual.  The sacred spot in your body is the location of suppressed emotions – shame, guilt, anger, etc. In fact, some people are unable to experience erotic feelings or have orgasms because of these conscious, subconscious and/or unconscious emotions.

Once these feelings have been released, it allows a person to experience a deep state of health and happiness, letting them to release all their negative energies that negatively affect them every day. It allows them to enjoy making love, finding it far more pleasurable than before.  In the end, they become a better person, spouse and lover.

Many people confuse Tantric massage as being something erotic, but it’s not! It’s actually an ancient religion many Westerners, including those in London, that have learned have beneficial properties in their daily lives.